Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hexenverfolgung und die Bußßag Daniel Bittels von 1629
Hexenverfolgung und die Bußßag Daniel Bittels von 1629 Free Online Research Papers Hexenverfolgung und die ââ¬Å¾Bußßagââ¬Å" Daniel Bittels von 1629 Frà ¼he Hexenverurteilungen gab es schon im 13. Jahrhundert mit dem Entstehen der Inqui-sition, die sich jedoch eigentlich gegen Ketzer richtete. Die theologische Akzeptanz der Existenz von Teufel und Dmonen, die sich erst im Verlauf des Mittelalters gebildet hatte, war jedoch schon ausgeprgt. Hexerei per se war aus Sicht der Kirche kein so gravierendes Vergehen wie andere Ketzereien. So wies Papst Alexander IV. 1260 zum Beispiel die In-quisitoren an, Hexen nicht aktiv zu verfolgen und ihre Prozesse bei Zeitmangel zurà ¼ckzu-stellen, da die Bekmpfung der Ketzer im Vordergrund zu stehen hatte. Die europische Hexenverfolgung, die meist von 1450 bis 1750 datiert wird, ereignete sich in grà ¶ÃŸerem Umfang erst in der Frà ¼hen Neuzeit und, nicht nur im Bamberger Raum, vor allem zu Zeiten des Dreißigjhrigen Kriegs. Man kà ¶nnte sagen, dass eine Art Hysterie be-zà ¼glich Zauberei entstand, welche auch juristisch aufgegriffen wurde und zu Verdchtigun-gen und Denunziationen fà ¼hrte. Frà ¼hneuzeitlichen Hexentheoretikern zufolge waren die wichtigsten Merkmale einer Hexe der Hexenflug, der Schadenszauber und das Treffen, der Pakt und der Geschlechtsverkehr mit dem Teufel. Frauen galten als besonders leicht vom Teufel zu verfà ¼hren, was dazu fà ¼hrte, dass der Großteil der Opfer von Hexenprozessen Frauen waren. Bis heute findet dies in der stets weiblichen Hexe seinen Ausdruck. Ungeachtet dessen, waren jedoch auch Mnner auf der Anklagebank. Wichtig war vor allem die Verbreitung der Idee einer allge-meinen Verschwà ¶rung der Hexen und des Teufels, die die Existenz der Kirche bedroht und gegen die vorgegangen werden muss. Die neuere Forschung geht davon aus, dass vor allem dieser Aspekt des Ausrottens des Bà ¶sen in der Gesellschaft bei den handelnden Akteuren der Hexenverfolgung im Vordergrund stand. In Bamberg war die Hexenlehre zwar bekannt, wurde jedoch lange nicht angewendet. Nur vereinzelt lassen sich Prozesse finden, in denen konkret ein Bezug des Tters zum Teufel genannt wird. Viele Flle lassen sich jedoch finden, bei denen es sich um simple Verfahren wegen Zauberei handelte und die Strafe auch deutlich geringer ausfiel, als bei ââ¬Å¾normalenââ¬Å" Hexenprozessen. Noch 1625, kurz vor der großen Welle der bamberger Hexenprozesse, lassen sich derart milde Flle finden. Erst so spt ââ¬â der Hexenhammer ist seit dem ausgeh-enden 15. Jahrhundert bekannt ââ¬â wurde die theoretische Grundlage in juristische Praxis umgesetzt. Ein Faktor, der in Bamberg zur Hexenverfolgung fà ¼hrte, war die kleine Eiszeit, die die Ernten vernichtete und die Bevà ¶lkerung deswegen nach Sà ¼ndenbà ¶cken, aber auch viele Zuflucht bei Zauberern und Hexen suchen ließ. Ein weiterer, womà ¶glich wichtigerer Faktor ist die hà ¶here Empfindlichkeit der Behà ¶rden gegenà ¼ber Hexerei durch die aufkom-mende Zielsetzung, ââ¬Å¾eine nach Gottes Geboten lebende Gesellschaft zu schaffenââ¬Å", wie Dippold es umschreibt. Hexenprozesse fanden in Bamberg massenweise ab1626 statt. Schon in den ersten drei Jahren gab es rund 600 Opfer von Hexenprozessen. Meist unter Folter zwang man den Angeklagten ein Gestndnis ab, worin sie schilderten wie sie vom Teufel verfà ¼hrt worden waren und außerdem die Namen anderer Hexen zu nennen hatten, da diese sich ja der Lehre nach zum Hexensabbat zusammenfanden. Oft wurden à ¼ber so im Gestndnis genannte Personen Dossiers angelegt und Nachforschungen angestellt. Mehr-malige Nennung bei derartigen Verhà ¶ren konnte selbst fà ¼r angesehene Persà ¶nlichkeiten einen eigenen Prozess mit Gefangenschaft und Folter bedeuten. Der Verdacht auf Hexerei war ein besonderer. Verteidiger wurden nicht zugelassen und Rechte des Angeklagten aus-ser Kraft gesetzt. Oft reichten wage Indizien, um mit der Folter zu beginnen. Erst mit den nahenden s chwedischen Truppen, die die Stadt 1632 eroberten, endete die Hexenverfol-gung. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist nun der vorliegende Text eines Gestndnisses von 1629 zu betrachten. Der Prozess geschah wohl auch hier im Gegensatz zur Inquisition vor einem weltlichen Gericht und vermutlich aufgrund von Denunziationen und Nennung in anderen Gestndnissen. Daniel Bittel, ein 14 Jahre alter Junge aus Bamberg, wurde am 11. und nochmals am 22. Mai 1629 wegen des Vorwurfs der Hexerei befragt und gefoltert. Nach der Folter durch den Daumenstock gestand er, ein Trudner (Hexer, Teufelsbà ¼ndner) und großer Sà ¼nder zu sein sowie seine achtjhrige Schwester begehrt zu haben. Daraufhin wurde er durch Beinschrau-ben gefoltert und gestand schließlich, durch seine Schwester, mit welcher er den Inzest vollzogen und diese sich danach in eine ââ¬Å¾heßliche gestalltââ¬Å" mit Drachenkà ¶rper verwandelt habe, zur Hexerei verfà ¼hrt worden zu sein. Durch die Drohung, ihn umzubringen, habe diese Gestalt ihn dazu gebracht, Gott zu entsagen. Einige Tage spter sei er bei ââ¬Å¾glà ¼ck ins teufelsnahmenââ¬Å" von der Hexe getauft worden und habe seitdem oft zusammen mit seiner Buhlin und der Hexe nachts zu schwarzen Messen ââ¬Å¾außfahrenââ¬Å" mà ¼ssen. Das Gestndnis nennt nun immer wieder Namen, die Daniel Bittel bei diversen Messe n, die auch datiert und lokalisiert werden, gesehen haben will. Weiter gestand er, dass ihm zu Beginn der Befragung und schon im Kerker der ââ¬Å¾bà ¶este Feindtââ¬Å" (Teufel) erschienen sei und ihm Mut zugesprochen habe. Außerdem habe er, wenn er Hostien zu sich nahm, diese zerkauen und ausspucken mà ¼ssen, was er bei der Kommunion auch getan habe. In seinem zweiten Verhà ¶r am 22. Mai 1629 nannte er weitere Daten und Orte, vor allem jedoch die Namen von Teil-nehmern von ââ¬Å¾solchen teà ¼flischen Dentzen nchtlicher weilââ¬Å", die er dort gesehen haben will. Die wichtigsten Bestandteile des Gestndnisses sind das erzwungene Gestndnis an sich, in dem Daniel Bittel Handlungen zugibt, die den Merkmalen der Hexerei und Teufelspak-tierung entsprechen, wie die Verfà ¼hrung durch den Teufel in Gestalt seiner Schwester, die schwarze Taufe und die schwarzen Messen, und die erzwungene Nennung der Namen anderer angeblicher Hexen und Hexer, wodurch die Behà ¶rden à ¼blicherweise weitere Mit-glieder der vermeintlichen Hexenverschwà ¶rung zu identifizierten. Wie wichtig eine solche Identifikation war, zeigt auch die Tatsache, dass das Protokoll des zweiten Verhà ¶rs fast ausschließlich andere Hexen und Teufelspaktierer festhlt. Es bleibt ââ¬â wenn ihn keine weiteren Dokumente nennen ââ¬â zwar der Spekulation à ¼berlassen, was mit Daniel Bittel nach den Verhà ¶ren passiert ist, man kann jedoch davon auszugehen, dass er zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet wurde, da er geringstenfalls Inzucht, Hostienschndung und Gotteslste-rung zugegeb en hatte. Reference: bamberga.de/hexenverhoer_daniel_bittl.htm Research Papers on Hexenverfolgung und die ââ¬Å¾Bußßagââ¬Å" Daniel Bittels von 1629Analysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementStandardized TestingHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayLifes What IfsThe Spring and AutumnAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Project Managment Office System
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Assigning Oxidation States Example Problem
Assigning Oxidation States Example Problem The oxidation state of an atom in a molecule refers to the degree of oxidation of that atom. Oxidation states are assigned to atoms by a set of rules based on the arrangement of electrons and bonds around that atom. This means each atom in the molecule has its own oxidation state which could be different from similar atoms in the same molecule.These examples will use the rules outlined in Rules for Assigning Oxidation Numbers. Key Takeaways: Assigning Oxidation States An oxidation number refer to the quantity of electrons that may be gained or lost by an atom. An atom of an element may be capable of multiple oxidation numbers.The oxidation state is the positive or negative number of an atom in a compound, which may be found by comparing the numbers of electrons shared by the cation and anion in the compound needed to balance each others charge.The cation has a positive oxidation state, while the anion has a negative oxidation state. The cation is listed first in a formula or compound name. Problem: Assign oxidation states to each atom in H2OAccording to rule 5, oxygen atoms typically have an oxidation state of -2.According to rule 4, hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of 1.We can check this using rule 9 where the sum of all oxidation states in a neutral molecule is equal to zero.(2 x 1) (2 H) -2 (O) 0 TrueThe oxidation states check out.Answer: The hydrogen atoms have an oxidation state of 1 and the oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2.Problem: Assign oxidation states to each atom in CaF2.Calcium is a Group 2 metal. Group IIA metals have an oxidation of 2.Fluorine is a halogen or Group VIIA element and has a higher electronegativity than calcium. According to rule 8, fluorine will have an oxidation of -1.Check our values using rule 9 since CaF2 is a neutral molecule:2 (Ca) (2 x -1) (2 F) 0 True.Answer: The calcium atom has an oxidation state of 2 and the fluorine atoms have an oxidation state of -1.Problem: Assign oxidation states to the atoms in hypochlorou s acid or HOCl. Hydrogen has an oxidation state of 1 according to rule 4.Oxygen has an oxidation state of -2 according to rule 5.Chlorine is a Group VIIA halogen and usually has an oxidation state of -1. In this case, the chlorine atom is bonded to the oxygen atom. Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine making it the exception to rule 8. In this case, chlorine has an oxidation state of 1.Check the answer:1 (H) -2 (O) 1 (Cl) 0 TrueAnswer: Hydrogen and chlorine have 1 oxidation state and oxygen has -2 oxidation state.Problem: Find the oxidation state of a carbon atom in C2H6. According to rule 9, the sum total oxidation states add up to zero for C2H6.2 x C 6 x H 0Carbon is more electronegative than hydrogen. According to rule 4, hydrogen will have a 1 oxidation state.2 x C 6 x 1 02 x C -6C -3Answer: Carbon has a -3 oxidation state in C2H6.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the manganese atom in KMnO4?According to rule 9, the sum total of oxidation states of a neutral molecule equal zero. K Mn (4 x O) 0Oxygen is the most electronegative atom in this molecule. This means, by rule 5, oxygen has an oxidation state of -2.Potassium is a Group IA metal and has an oxidation state of 1 according to rule 6.1 Mn (4 x -2) 01 Mn -8 0Mn -7 0Mn 7Answer: Manganese has an oxidation state of 7 in the KMnO4 molecule.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the sulfur atom in the sulfate ion - SO42-.Oxygen is more electronegative than sulfur, so the oxidation state of oxygen is -2 by rule 5.SO42- is an ion, so by rule 10, the sum of the oxidation numbers of the ion is equal to the charge of the ion. In this case, the charge is equal to -2.S (4 x O) -2S (4 x -2) -2S -8 -2S 6Answer: The sulfur atom has an oxidation state of 6.Problem: What is the oxidation state of the sulfur atom in the sulfite ion - SO32-?Just like the previous example, oxygen has an oxidation state of -2 and the total oxidation of the ion is -2. The only difference is the one less oxygen. S (3 x O) -2S (3 x -2) -2S -6 -2S 4Answer: Sulfur in the sulfite ion has an oxidation state of 4.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Online Consumer Behavior - Research Prospectus (Research Proposal) Essay
Online Consumer Behavior - Research Prospectus (Research Proposal) - Essay Example eld needs to be done to see as to how a research can be done in the field, that is to say we will try to provide a research framework which will be on three main blocks; main reason for buying, adoption and carrying on with the decision, this will help analyze the behavior of the online consumer in a uniform and systematic manner. 351 articles in all are present and have been used in the field of consumer behavior over the past decade. The articles that deal with consumer purchase behavior on the internet are the ones that we will be focusing on most articles that are used were obtained from online database, through digital libraries and online databases In the recent years, B2C e-commerce has been at a rise and researchers are of the opinion that B2C will soon switch to virtual means and thus there will be no need for local stores. Having said this there are still areas in online consumer behavior that need to be studied. Specially in the section where the products are bought on the bases of their quality and where customers feel that the quality can only be understood better once the product is held and felt. Examining the literature in this field reveals that several components of consumer behavior theory have been applied when studying online consumer behavior. Although, application of the concepts is not as simple as it sounds. A large amount of difference can be seen between both type of consumers (online and offline). Marketing is considered to be the most important factor when it comes to selling product mainly on the bases of their perceived quality, which is something that is highly difficult to determine, and even if that is determined it is hard to convince the customer into going for the purchase decision without have felt the product, by just seeing the product on the website. Trusting the website is another issue that needs to be addressed, developing trust is extremely important to bring about any sort of purchase decision and also to make the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Enlightenment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Enlightenment - Research Paper Example What best defines this age is the collection of philosophers and mathematicians that brought these new ideas into being. Some of the most famous of these philosophers were John Locke, David Hume, Adam Smith, Montesquieu and Voltaire. The Age of Enlightenment had thinkers from many of the major powers in Europe such as Germany, Spain, Russia, Poland, England and Scotland. These Enlightenment thinkers, though not Americans, had a profound influence on American history. It is through the writings of these philosophers of the Enlightenment that lead the Founding Fathers of the United States to place such emphasis on personal freedom, property rights, a balance of powers in government and republicanism. The very best way to see the influence the Age of Enlightenment has on American history is to examine some of the thoughts of the leading philosophers and then trace how they influenced the foundational documents of the United States. Of all the Enlightenment thinkers, John Locke was perha ps the most influential over the American revolutionaries. Locke was an Englishman, the son of a lawyer and well educated at some of the finest schools. He studies medicine because he grew tired of studying the classical philosophers. As many philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment, he sought to apply reason and empiricism to a broad variety of topics. As a result, Locke wrote influential essays on government, religion, the nature of individuality, monetary policy and property. John Locke believed that individuals were important. This is a foundation belief of liberalism, so many view Locke as the Father of Liberalism. He said that people come into the world as a blank slate. He rejected notions that people were inherently sinful and should therefore be indebted to god and the Church their entire lives. He also rejected the idea that people were born knowing good from evil and right from wrong (Meyers, Cawelti and Kern, 1967). This belief in the impressionability of the individual led Locke to conclude that social institutions provided by governments were very important. Schools, libraries, and prisons all served their purpose in sustaining a civil society. Locke held that the natural state of humanity was one where the strongest could rule over the weak through brute force. A civil society was developed, nurtured and encouraged by just social institutions. This was the purpose of government. Any government that did not allow for the development of the individual self would never truly achieve the civil society, which was Lockeââ¬â¢s ideal. He believed that certain conditions needed to be established by the government that would allow for the individual to develop a strong sense of self. Their sense of self would in turn, produce a citizenry that was responsive and active in the government. The relationship between citizens and the government were based upon something Locke referred to as the social contract. In essence, the social contract says that indiv iduals willingly give up some of their freedom in order to organize a government that places some restrictions on activities. The contract between government and citizens includes the understanding that government should only exist to serve the people in a manner that will help humanity move from a
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Conflict and Violence in Premarital Relationship Essay Example for Free
Conflict and Violence in Premarital Relationship Essay Incidence of conflicts and violence in premarital relationship seems to happen regularly. This research paper discusses the many possible reasons that would cause someone to become a victim or perpetrator in premarital relationships. A root cause of premarital violence is in childhood experiences. Individuals develop a certain relationship style based on their childhood experiences that influences how they behave in close relationships. Childhood emotional trauma causes children to develop insecure relationship style that produces adults with many emotional and psychological issues such as depression and anger. These styles are termed: the secure, the avoidant, the ambivalent and the disorganized relationship style. Children learn to communicate and interact with others through observing the way their manage conflicts parents. Conflicts occur often, mainly due to the lack of communication skills between couples and individual insecurities. Uncontrolled and unmanaged conflicts can cause one or both partners lose control, and quite often, the heated conflict ends in violence. Introduction Conflicts that arise in premarital relationships may be due to both dyadic and individual problems. These conflicts often lead to violence in relationships. The way someone reacts to lifes problems or issues is rooted in the way he or she is raised and his or her childhood experiences. The term premarital used throughout this paper refers to only a male-female relationship. The terms such as courtship, dating relationships, also refers to the entire scope of heterosexual dating behavior, from casual dating through engagement and/or cohabitation. A premarital relationship is defined as any romantic love relationship involving a male and a female before marriage or outside of marriage. The essence of romance is characterized by a marked physical attraction, strong emotional attachment between the partners, and a tendency for each to idealize the other (Waller ; Hill, 1951). Premarital relationships in this research paper includes anyone from as young as high school students to seniors. Conflicts Lead to Violence Conflict in premarital relationships can be defined as a disagreement, a quarrel or dispute, or a discord of action or feeling. According to Tim Clinton (2006), there are three levels of relationship dispute which are termed renegotiation, impasse or dissolution. Level one (renegotiation) involves someone who is angry and bickers about his or her differences and who is governed by fears and anger. Level two (impasse) is where both individuals begin to disengage emotionally from each other and no longer confide or trust each other. Level three (dissolution) is where couples eventually reach a point where they completely cut themselves off emotionally from each other (Clinton 2006). Violence in premarital relationships include acts that involves any force that is unjust, rough or injurious to another person. Henton et al. (1983), reported several types of violent behaviors such as pushing, grabbing or shoving, slapping and kicking, biting or hitting with the fist. Relationship violence involves both the victimized and the perpetrator. When a conflict gets out of hand and escalates, one or both partners lose control, and quite often the heated conflict ends in violence (Lloyd et al. , 1989). Alarmingly, violence in courtship seems to happen regularly between 1 in 3 and 1 in 2 college students and 1 in 10 high school students experience violence as victims or perpetrators (Cate et al. , 1982; Laner ; Thompson, 1982; Makepeace, 1981; Roscoe ; Callahan, 1985; Rouse et al. , 1988; Stets ; Straus, 1989). The ability of premarital partners to overlook, forgive, or ignore negative interaction that is even encouraged and supported by peer groups is due to the power of romance (Lloyd, 1991). Individual and Childhood Problems Childhood experiences have a lasting effect on people according to the Social Learning Theory. Exposure to violence during childhood makes individuals more prone to be involved in a violent intimate relationship. The witnessing of violence in the family of origin links to violent experience and perpetration in premarital relationships Gover et al. (2008) explored the association between exposure to violence in the family of origin and subsequent physical violence and psychological abuse in dating relationship. Dating violence victimization and perpetration, has been linked to exposure to violence during early childhood. Gover et al. 2008) termed this hypothesis intergenerational transmission of violence, where exposure to violence during childhood is related to subsequent involvement in violent intimate relationships (p. 1668). The hypothesis explains how dating violence is more likely in people that experienced child abuse or witnessed parental violence. The study looked at the interpersonal violence between dating partners in several ways by using large sample of male and female college students to comprehensively examine the intergenerational transmission of violence hypothesis. Women are more often victimized than men. The study by Gover et al. , showed that childhood abuse is associated with the likelihood of dating violence victimization among females but not males. The results showed a correlation between childhood violence victimization and physical violence perpetration in a dating relationship, which supported the intergenerational transmission of violence hypothesis. They also concluded that there is a significant relationship between physical dating violence victimization for women who were exposed to paternal perpetrated abuse. Witnessing violence between parents does not have as much of a significant impact on dating violence perpetration in comparison to female exposure to paternal perpetrated abuse. Child abuse is related to dating violence victimization and perpetration especially among males; women are more likely to become victimized rather than the perpetrator according to some studies. Child abuse involves psychological abuse, emotional neglect, sexual abuse, exposure to severe marital conflict and addictive behavior (Clinton, 2006). According to the Gover et al. tudy, violence victimization and perpetration are experienced by those who witnessed one parent hit the other parent and experienced childhood abuse at higher rates in dating relationships in comparison to those who were not exposed to violence during childhood. Ones childhood relationships are very important because they shape the chemical processes in the brain that determine how someone controls his or her impulses, calm or strong emotions and develop memories in their early family life. Tim Clinton (2006) believes that everyone develops relationship rules, which determines their relationship style from childhood. He described four relationship styles in his book, Why You Do the Things You Do: The Secret to Healthy Relationships; the secure, the avoidant, the ambivalent and the disorganized relationship style. The underlying reason why people do the things they do is their relationship style or their attachment style. Special relationship, bond, or connection with another person that is characterized by strong emotions and continues through time is what Clinton (2006) refers to as attachment. A persons relationship style is determined by the interactions between a mother and her infant over time. These interactions teach her child certain relationship rules, which are core beliefs about one self and others. These core beliefs may not always be fully conscious to the individual, but they influence the behavior of everyone in a powerful way, such as the tendencies to act violently or easily become a victim in premarital relationships. Insecure relationship styles, the avoidant, the ambivalent and the disorganized relationship style are most likely to experience relational conflicts more often than those with secure relationship style. Children learn how to manage conflict from watching the way their parents work out their disagreements. A childs security is also threatened when he sees his parents in screaming matches, physical struggles or violence (Clinton, 2006). An individual with a disorganized relationship style is at a high risk to fall into deep depression because this person has been borderline depressed and anxious throughout life. Events such as job loss, conflict with a friend, financial struggles can cause him or her to sink rapidly into serious depression. Those with poor mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, reduced self-esteem, stress, and various physical health consequences, have been involved in a violent relationship (Gibb et al. , 2004; Messman-Moore et al. , 2000). The potential for violence can be linked to someone who has developed a disorganized relationship style. Children who develop a disorganized relationship style have been traumatized by their own parents, who were both a source and the solution to their fears and anxieties. This simply means that these children had no solution or safe haven for them. As a result, these children become emotionally disorganized and fragmented during stressful times (Clinton, 2006). There are two sources of stress that influence individuals or couples; positive events that comes with a challenge and negative events that comes with threat and harm or loss. There are contradicting studies of dating violence, and the role that stress plays in premarital love relation conflict is not yet clear. Men and women may react differently to stress according to OLearys (1998) theoretical formulation of spouse aggression. Wethington et al. (1987) reported that research on acute stressors shows that males and females are similar in the number of undesirable events experienced, but that males seem more emotionally affected. Therefore, if there is a relationship between stress and violence, it might be greater for males than females (Marshall Rose, 1990). Marshall and Rose (1990) conducted a study to test the influence of stress on relationship conflicts and violence. They found that positive stress contributed to males recent expression of violence, (p. 61). The reason why positive stress but not negative stress, contributed to males expression of violence is unclear according to Marshal and Rose (1990). This finding is contrary to previously similar studies done by other researchers, however, this contrast may be due to the fact that Marshal and Rose allowed the observers, rather than the respondents to classify the direction of stress impact, whether they are positive or negative. Stress is a secondary emotional reaction, when someone tries to repress primary emotions such as fear or pain due to life issues (Clinton, 2006). An individual who has an avoidant relationship style tends to be narcissistic who can easily become even more self-absorbed under stress. Possibilities for conflicts would increase dramatically for these types of individuals because when they receive negative feedback, for instance, they become angry and contemptuous, (Kindle Locations 1522-1526). This kind of behavior brings constant or more frequent conflicts under stressful times for both individuals. Dyadic Problems In premarital relationships, mutual admiration and devotion exist between couples, especially when they move towards a deeper level of commitment. In contrast to these qualities, most couples were found to be in mutual combat because more than two-thirds of one sample reported reciprocal violence (Carte et al. , 1982). Some individuals, whose perception of dating is one of a carefree experience to be enjoyed or to just have a good time, approach their problems by using their partners as targets to physically act out feelings of anger, confusion and jealousy (Henton et al. 1983). A study done by Henton et al. (1983) assessed the incidence and context of the use of violence in high school relationship because the first experiences in forming intimate relationships occur for many individuals during high school. He found that a significant number of high school students have experienced premarital violence in one or more relationships. In 71. 4% of high school relationships where violence occurred, it was found that the pattern of abuse was reciprocal, where each partner had been both the victim and aggressor at some point in time. The remaining 28. 6 %, four patterns were identified; male abuser only, female abuser only, abused male and abused female. Most individuals remained in violent relationships because they felt that they have significantly fewer alternatives than those who terminated such relationships. Individual tends to tolerate or have a more positive attitude towards premarital violence if they have been involved in abusive relationships than those who were involved in non-abusive relationships (Henton et al. 1983). This finding in this study suggests that the occurrence of premarital violence is because of dyadic problems rather than solely a result of individual characteristics. One suggestion as to why victims had a more positive attitude towards violence may be because victims of violence may have become addicted to such trauma. The brain releases chemicals called endogenous opioids, natural painkillers that are the brainââ¬â¢s equivalent to heroin whenever someone is under extreme stress. The stress of relationship violence could easily cause victims to become addicted to the drug. For someone to withdraw from that drug would be similar to breaking a drug addiction. Increasing the difficulty is the fact that the withdrawal symptoms parallel the nightmare of the traumatized person: emptiness, tension, irritability, and an internal sense of unrest, (Clinton, 2006, Kindle Locations 2131-2137). The person may return to the trauma and its ââ¬Å"morphine,â⬠in order to relieve the symptoms. Another way addiction to trauma can develop is fear of the unknown Clinton, 2006, Kindle Locations 2131-2137. The state of ones emotional wellbeing is a factor that influences how couples handle conflicts and whether they are prone to violence or foster safety. Emotion, according to Clinton (2006), is The physical, gut-felt responses that fuel our behavior and motivate us to act, (Kindle Locations 4310-4311). Emotions are what motivate someone to seek closeness during times of stress and therefore, they are very important in relationships. Specific emotional components such as positive affective tone, listening and understanding, and self-disclosure, protect premarital relationships from violence (Prager Buhrmester, 1998). Those individuals who did not develop a secure relationship style as termed by Tim Clinton (2006) foster many kinds of negative emotions because of insecurities they developed from childhood. Individuals with the ambivalent relationship style tend to be anxious, melodramatic or angry. These individuals would be prone to violence in their dating relationships. Swett and Marcus (2002) explored the issues about couples emotional dynamics and violence. A group of upper-level undergraduates were asked a number of questions about their current relationship, about the duration of their relationships, number of times in previous relationships they had physical fights and the severity of injury they had suffered as a result (Swett Marcus, 2002). The findings of the study support the importance of the intimacy components of positive affective tone and listening and understanding in reducing dyadic violence. The quality of emotional interactions is a factor that influences violent tendencies in premarital relationships. Positive emotions that involve positive affective tone and listening and understanding, can inhibit violence in relationship, and therefore serve as protections against violence (Swett Marcus, 2002). Unhealthy communication leads to conflicts, it prevents couples from being able to talk through their feelings. Tim Clinton (2006), talks about four kinds of unhealthy communication, in his book, he explained how criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling are all forms of unhealthy communication. Criticism comes in a form of questioning that implies that the other person has a character flaw, for example, why do you always do that? You never do what you say youre going to do. I just cant count on you for anything, (Kindle Locations 775-776). Defensiveness is a reaction against a criticism causing retaliation, for example, ââ¬Å"What do you mean I never do what I say? How many times have you not come through when I needed you to help me out with the kids? You donââ¬â¢t help. You just whine and complain that things donââ¬â¢t happen according to your schedule! â⬠(Kindle Locations 778-779). Contempt comes when criticism and defensiveness intensifies, derogatory remarks, put-downs and extreme distress result. For example, some one who is in contempt might say something like this, ââ¬Å"You make me sick! You never do what you say youââ¬â¢ll do. Youââ¬â¢re a big talker, just like your mother, but you never follow through. Iââ¬â¢ve grown used to not being able to rely on you, so Iââ¬â¢ll just do everything myselfââ¬âlike always. â⬠(Kindle Locations 782-784). Stonewalling results from a high intensity of contempt, causing a person to shut down and stop participating in conversation by walking out of the room or stare off into space. These behaviors can increase the other personââ¬â¢s rage and spark another round of criticism. Kindle Locations 785-787). People with insecure relationship styles would be at a higher risk of relationship violence victimization and or perpetration. Conclusion Although squabbles are a necessary part of every couples growth together, when carefully managed or regulated, is a building block for a healthy relationship, one that is vibrant and thriving (Clinton, 2006). People who are at less risk for relationship violence victimization and perpetration are most likely to possess a secure relationship style. These people are confident in their identity, their effectiveness in the world and trust others. This allows them to have a healthy way of interacting with and relating to people. Secure people are emotionally strong, willing to seek and accept comfort from others, courageous about love and intimacy, and responsible for themselves,(Kindle Location 4337). There are many other factors that potentially increase the chances for individuals to have a healthy love relationship with another person. Individuals, who have higher attachment to his or her parents during childhood, were less likely to be responsible for dating violence (Chapple Hope, 2003). Religious institutions were found to be a protective factor for potential violence dating relationship. Students reporting more church attendance were less likely to be involved in a violent dating relationship (Coker et al. , 2000; Gover, 2004). Conflicts often arise because of the lack of communication skills and resolution skills. Couples should learn to talk openly and honestly about our feelings, both positive and negative ones. A healthy form of communication can develop this way between couples. It will help them avoid unnecessary conflicts that can eventually escalate to violence.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ethics on the Internet Essay examples -- Ethics Internet Computers Ess
Ethics on the Internet In today's society, there are many ethical issues on the Internet. Some of the biggest issues and concerns seem to be hacking and viruses, copyright infringements, spam, privacy, and cyberporn. Internet ethical issues affect a wide variety of individuals and almost all people today are affected in some kind of a way. Until recently, most computer users had not been very concerned with questions of ethics and may not have been aware of something being seen as an ethical issue, but this depends on every individual's position. However, today there are many concerns about these issues and some organizations are trying to get laws approved protecting individuals in today's society. Copyright infringements now are an extremely large issue. Illegal distribution of software over the Internet damages the software market, causes prices to go up, slows new software development, and hurts job creation in software development. It is currently reported that 40% of the world's software is pirated. Computer software is one of the most valuable technologies in our society. Since software is so valuable and because computers make it easy to create an exact copy of a program in seconds, software piracy is widespread. From individual computer users to professionals who deal wholesale in stolen software, piracy exists in homes, schools and businesses. Software pirates not only steal from the companies that make the software, but it causes the company to have less money towards their research and development of new software and it ends up hurting all users. The software piracy industry is growing due to the number of PCs and Internet users growing. The Business Software Alliance believes that new techn... ...ography Ethics and Electronic Information in the Twenty-First Century, by Lester J. Pourciau (Editor), G. T. Mendina Business Software Alliance, http://www.bsa.org/usa/">http://www.bsa.org/usa/ Internet Ethics by Duncan Langford, catalogue/catalogue.asp?Title_Id=0333776267 Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 6, 1999, pages 590-602, Targeting Children Online: Internet advertising ethics issues AMA American Management Association, http://www.amanet.org/index.htm">http://www.amanet.org/index.htm Web101, Making the Net Work for You, Second Edition, by Wendy G. Lehnert, Copyright 2003 Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Fourth Edition, by John R. Boatright, Copyright 2003 Ethics on the Internet by Michael A. Covington, Copyright 1997, Gernsback Publications, http://www.ai.uga.edu</em>~mc/ethics.html">http://www.ai.uga.edu/~mc/ethics.html </ol>
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
DIDLS Breakdown
Language, and Syntax use diction to find tone. Use imagery, details, language and syntax to support tone. TONE Author's attitude toward the subject, toward himself, or toward the audience. DICTION Adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, negative words, positive words, synonyms, contrast. Look at the words that Jump out at you ââ¬â Evaluate only those words to find tone Also look at: Colloquial (Slang) Old-Fashioned Informal (Conversational) Formal (Literary) Connotative (Suggestive meaning) Denotative (Exact meaning) Concrete (Specific) Abstract (General or Conceptual)Euphonious (Pleasant Sounding) Cacophonous (Harsh sounding) Monosyllabic (One syllable) Polysyllabic (More than one syllable) Describe diction (choice of words) by considering the following: 1. Words can be monosyllabic (one syllable in length) or polysyllabic (more than one syllable in length). The higher the ratio of polysyllabic words, the more difficult the content. 2. Words can be mainly colloquial (slang), informal (conversational), formal (literary) or old-fashioned. 3. Words can be mainly denotative (containing an exact meaning, e. G. , dress) or connotative (contacting suggested meaning, e. G. , gown) 4.Words can be incorrect (specific) or abstract (general or conceptual). 5. Words can euphonious (pleasant sounding, e. G. , languid, murmur) or cacophonous (harsh sound, e. G. , raucous, croak). IMAGERY Creates a vivid picture and appeals to the senses Alliteration repetition of consonant sounds at the start of a word Assonance repetition of vowel sounds in the middle of a word Moths cough and drop wings Consonance repetition of consonant sounds in the middle of a word The man has kin in Spain Onomatopoeia writing sounds as words The clock went tick tock Simile a direct comparison of unlike things using like or as Her hair is like a rat's nestMetaphor a direct comparison of unlike things The man's suit is a rainbow Hyperbole a deliberate exaggeration for effect I'd die for a piece of candy U nderstatement represents something as less than it is A million dollars is okay Personification attributing human qualities to inhuman objects The teapot cried for water Metonymy word exchanged for another closely associated with it Uncle Sam wants you! Pun play on words ââ¬â Uses words with multiple meanings Shoes menders mend soles. Symbol something that represents/stands for something else the American Flag Analogy comparing two things that have at least one thing in commonWhy is the sentence length effective? 2. Examine sentence beginnings. Is there a good variety or does a patterning emerge? 3. Examine the arrangement of ideas in a sentence. Are they set out in a special way for a purpose? 4. Examine the arrangement of ideas in a paragraph. Is there evidence of any pattern or structure? 5. Examine the sentence patterns. Some elements to consider are listed below: a. A declarative (assertive) sentence makes a statement: e. G. , The king is sick. B. An imperative sentence giv es a command: e. G. , Stand up. C. An interrogative sentence asks a question: e. G. , Is the king sick? D. Makes an exclamation: e. G. , The king is dead! E.An exclamatory sentence A simple sentence contains A compound sentence contains two independent clauses Joined by a coordinate conjunction (and, but, or) or by a semicolon: e. G. , The singer bowed to the audience, but she sang no encores. G. A complex sentence contains an independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses: e. G. , You said that you would tell the truth. H. A compound-complex sentence contains two or more principal lasses and one or more subordinate clauses: e. G. , The singer bowed while the audience applauded, but she sang no encores. I. A loose sentence makes complete sense if brought to a close before the actual ending: e. G. , We reached Edmonton/that morning/after a turbulent flight/and some exciting experiences.A periodic sentence makes sense only when the end of the sentence is reached: e. G. , That morning, after a turbulent flight and some exciting experiences, we reached Edmonton. K. In a balanced sentence, the phrases or clauses balance each other by virtue or their likeness of structure, meaning, or length: e. . , He make me to lie down in green pastures; he leaders me beside the still waters. Natural order of a sentence involves constructing a sentence so the subject comes before the predicate: e. G. , Oranges grow in California. M. Inverted order of a sentence (sentence inversion) involves constructing a sentence so that the predicate comes before the subject: e. G. , In California grow oranges.This is a device in which normal sentence patterns are reverse to create an emphatic or rhythmic effect. N. Split order of a sentence divides the predicate into two parts with the subject coming in the middle: e. . , In California oranges grow. O. Juxtaposition is a poetic and rhetorical device in which normally unassociated ideas, words, or phrases are placed next to one another creating an effect of surprise and wit: e. G. , ââ¬Å"The apparition of these faces in the crowd:' Petals on a wet, black boughâ⬠(ââ¬Å"In a Station of the Metroâ⬠by Ezra Pound) p. Parallel structure (parallelism) refers to a grammatical or structural similarity between sentences or parts of a sentence.It involves an arrangement of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs so that elements of equal importance are equally developed and minimally phrased: e. G. , He was walking, running, and Jumping for Joy. Q. Repetition is a device in which words, sounds, and ideas are used more than once to enhance rhythm and create emphasis: e. G. , ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earthâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Address at Gettysburgâ⬠by Abraham Lincoln) r. A rhetorical question is a question that expects no answer. It is used to draw attention too point that is generally stronger than a direct statement: e. G. , If Mrâ⬠¦ Force is always fair, as you have said, why did he refuse to listen to Mrsâ⬠¦ Baldwin arguments?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Accounting and Bookkeeping Services Marketing Plan Essay
Marketing Vision Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant will fit the needs of transitional small businesses, dealing with the growing pains of leaving an owner-operator model to hiring employees and expanding. These clients will see that Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant is competitively priced, both compared with the market and with the substitute option of hiring their own bookkeepers. Clients will see that Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant is extremely flexible and scalable in a way that in-house bookkeepers cannot be. To move forward with this new business line, Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant will make the bookkeeping services the core of its business and a source of leads for its additional accounting services, rather than the other way around. Over time, as this transition happens, the marketing plan will be revisited to see how these clients can be better used as a source for referrals and more business. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay Goals Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountantââ¬â¢s goals include Personal, Marketing, Business, and Client Satisfaction goals. They are: 1. Personal ââ¬â To reduce the time spent on the business by Max Greenwood to a more sustainable level over a few years and to achieve professional recognition 2. Marketing ââ¬â Generation of large numbers of leads and press mentions 3. Business ââ¬â Expand sales significantly over the next three years 4. Client Satisfaction ââ¬â To achieve a high level of very satisfied clients Purpose Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant seeks to provide a full suite of tax and management accounting services for small businesses in Chicago, Illinois, allowing business owners to not only save money over in-house accounting and ensure their compliance with tax laws, but to make valuable management decisions from their numbers. Picture When clients come to Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant, the frustration of dealing with in-house bookkeepers and low-quality providers will recede. Clients will be given the time to have all of their questions answered and valuable accounting and systems advice will be given even in the initial meetings. The client will quickly understand that Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant will scale their services to meet the clientââ¬â¢s needs and can add to those services as the clientââ¬â¢s needs change. They will understand that they are not entering into an onerous contract and that the cost of getting started is low. The client will be delighted the first time they receive a thank you card and small gift when theyââ¬â¢ve made their budgeted numbers for the quarter. At this point it will truly sink in that Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant has their bookkeeping and accounting needs covered and that they can put away any worry that this area will be a weak link in their business. Gap Dashboard Weekly measurements of key metrics will be averaged for each month and entered in the Gap Dashboard. Personal goals will be tracked by Max Greenwood directly to make sure he is moving towards both professional recognition and a sustainable work/life balance. Marketing goals will be tracked by the CRM system and business goals will be tracked by QuickBooks. Client satisfaction numbers will be derived from the survey providerââ¬â¢s database. Whether numbers are met or not, the news will be shared on a monthly basis with the entire staff, with congratulations and discussion as to what is going right as well as a look at what is going wrong and how it can be rectified. These reports will be shared in full with the bookkeeping program manager and partially with the bookkeepers. Ideal Customer The ideal customer for Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant is an owner of a very small business. Having launched within the last few years, the customer has just hired his first employee. The bookkeeping work (accounts payable and receivable, payroll, bank reconciliations, tax preparation) that the owner did for the first few years is taking more and more time and is holding him back from working on sales, marketing, and strategy for the business. The new employee has been hired to handle more of the technical work of the business, not to do bookkeeping. However, when considering the type of bookkeeping help he can afford, the customer realizes that a ten-hour-a-week employee would most likely be a student or low-skills worker who would require a great deal of training. The customer is put off by the idea of spending a great deal of time training such an individual, who may leave within a year (or even less) due to school schedule changes or finding a full-time job. He realizes that keeping the books correctly is important work, but because he understands his own value to the business, his knows his time is better spent elsewhere. He might then begin to search for professional bookkeeping options that can offer just a low-level of support by doing his own research and asking other business owners he knows. Market Description The small business accounting market consists of virtually every small business in the United States. As businesses grow larger than one person sole proprietorships, they generally require expert help with at least their tax preparation, and often with additional bookkeeping and accounting services. Even many non-employer sole proprietorships will use accounting help at some point. While some small businesses hire bookkeepers or CFOs directly, many successfully outsource these types of services. The market for Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant is small businesses in the city limits of Chicago. This will represent approximately 85,000 businesses in 2010. This market can be subdivided into three groups: Non-employer firms: Without employees, these firms do not have many of the concerns of larger businesses. However, the owners must be vigilant to protect their own tax liability and sort out how their personal and business tax returns intersect. These firms are generally buyers of QuickBooks services and tax preparation services. As they grow, this group becomes ripe for outsourced bookkeeping services before they can hire a full-time in-house bookkeeper. Very small businesses: Defined for our purposes as businesses with 2-10 employees. Made up of businesses that are designed to stay small and those which are growing through a phase, these businesses require payroll services, bookkeeping, and tax preparation. They are concerned about losing control, but can generally be convinced of using outsourced accounting and bookkeeping with cost analysis. With the stakes higher, these businesses can make greater use of management accounting services, especially as most cannot afford a dedicated CFO. Many do not need a full-time bookkeeper, but can made due with part-time help, which limits their hiring options. Other small businesses: Defined for our purposes as businesses with 11 to 99 employees. Many of these businesses will have some in-house financial management and bookkeeping help. However, they may be able to save money by outsourcing these services as they are not generally core to what the business seeks to do. These businesses may be comfortable with their situation as a cash producer for their owners or intent on g rowing or positioning themselves for sale. Remarkable Difference Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant offers the flexibility and low rates of an in-house bookkeeping employee, while providing all of the training, oversight, and deep knowledge of a Certified Public Accountant. Differentiators Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant will achieve a competitive edge among Chicago bookkeeping services due to its combination of CPA oversight with lower-level, inexpensive labor to solve the specific problems of small business owners. Clients will receive the advantage of having a CPA review their books and propose additional advice when appropriate, while not paying much more than they would to hire their own part-time bookkeeper. This is not an inimitable competitive edge, but the market in Chicago is significantly large enough to allow for the success of Sorcererââ¬â¢s Accountant with this strategy. Large firms ignore the small business market because they are better positioned to serve larger businesses. They are unlikely to imitate this strategy as they will find it difficult to convince small businesses that they can offer services which are affordable to them.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Science is a Boon Or Bane Essay Essays
Science is a Boon Or Bane Essay Essays Science is a Boon Or Bane Essay Essay Science is a Boon Or Bane Essay Essay Science is bane for universe. Because scientific discipline and engineering has non merely grabbed us. It has besides grabbed the living animal like animate beings. insects. bees etc. The quiver produced by nomadic phone can besides kill the bees. Some old ages after terminal of honey bee is certain whole human life will besides complete. Animals get jobs in taking breathe due to harmful gases being produced from industries and mills depend on scientific discipline and engineering. So the scientific discipline and engineering has destroyed the whole environment. From all these remarks we can state that although scientific discipline and engineering has great advantage but all are little near its disadvantage. So by seeing its disadvantage we should utilize it merely in necessity. non ever which can easy be done by us. friends I want to state about one thing the scientific discipline is Curse because scientific discipline as developed mobile phones and laptops 80 % people use nomadic for unneeded talk and 70 % peoples is merely watching films means apprehensible usage of laptops. And scientific discipline is cut down the natural twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. The Cyber offense is increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours the chief thing is pollution the air pollution is increase twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours itââ¬â¢s all consequence in our new coevals the natural resources is expire twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. In approaching clip there is no H2O in Earth and what people take nil so the all coevals and universe be die and who will be responsible for this scientific discipline engineering. The scientific discipline developed different-different beauty store thing like a Fair and lovely people thing if will purchase the just lovely black screen saint so we will use to our tegument after that we look smart but nil happens the Creams decrees the natural and alter the our tegument colour. I have a one Dog and Buffalo both colour is black I watched one advertizement now new carnival and Handsome come in get equity in 7 Dayss. I bought that both after that I had apply to both in our Dog and Buffalo but nil changed and nil Happened so therefore I can state that scientific discipline supplying all bogus things. The ozone bed Depletion twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours and who will be responsible for that scientific discipline Bhopal trai is besides cause of scientific discipline. Now H2O degree is traveling down twenty-four hours be twenty-four hours who will be responsible for is that merely scientific discipline and Atom bomb isbesides developed by scientific discipline so itââ¬â¢s expletive. Science was meant to be a good retainer but has now turned out to be a bad maestro. Science as Curse: 1. Due to assorted scientific innovations. the jungle tracts has been destroyed therefore making injury to the ecological balance. 2. Today though the vehicles have reduced the distance for us. the pollution it causes can non be overlooked. 3. Has lessened the sum of physical exercisings at that place by increasing several complaints and position diseases. 4. Many lost their lives in the escape of Chernobyl Nuclear power works and due to the Methyl Iso cyanate ( MIC ) gas escape in Bhopal a few old ages back. This was due to the so called scientic promotions. This is because of human failure to expect the Disasters. Science as Blessing: One can non repent the fact that scientific discipline has done many good to worlds. 1. One can compare the promotion of the state to that of civilisation. A civilised state is one which has achieved scientific advancement. 2. Fast means of conveyance like airplane. and other vehicles have made the universe a planetary small town. 3. Telephone. Television. orbiter. Internet have made it possible to acquire the latest information. 4. It has given us new medical specialties to contend diseases. 5. It has revolutionized our instruction system. Therefore Science becomes a blessing or a expletive which depends on how we use it. These yearss there is a remedy or atleast a bar for about every diseases. In short we wholly depend upon these things. The cognition of isotopes. the find of radiation. the find of fission. have all led to technological progresss and added to our amenitiess. Science is of import in todayââ¬â¢s life. We can non populate without scientific discipline in the modern universe. Science can be called one of the greatest approvals of this. Yet the job is whether scientific discipline is a blessing or curse to society. Science is truth. truth is beauty and beauty is god. Science raisings intelligence but leaves the will and emotions uncared for. It is said that cognition comes but wisdom lingers. Is science truly a curse? It is said that scientific discipline is a good retainer but a bad maestro. As faith is a affair of religion. scientific discipline is a affair of fact. Modern warfare is destructive beyond the wildest dreams of our unscientific predecessors. Machine guns. shells. pigboats. the atom and H bombs can destruct the universe in the blink of an eye of an oculus. Airplanes in war act as engines of mass devastation. Not merely in times of war but in times of peace besides adult male lives in the thick of disease. Though remedies are being invented diseases are multiplying excessively. If the former is in arithmetic patterned advance. the latter is in geometric patterned advance. That is why peace lovers blame scientific discipline as a expletive. the most inburnig is the roar of Reactors instead I would state Nuclear reactorsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . Lashkar-e-Taibas get to the root of thzâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . Yttrium did temblor is there a immense arg more than 8 pes moving ridges ( Tsunami ) Y is it thr? any ansâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ .merely because of usâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ .utilizing the scientific discipline A ; engineering in an disturbing wayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . instead for full filling 1s deedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ planetary heating n assorted other terrorist onslaughts utilizing explosivesâ⬠¦ . . harming the state n nature alsoâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ although V have used scientific discipline in better manner like trains Mobiles machines n manymore whicmade our work easierbut at the same clip in many times bigger manner v R utilizing it for destructionâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . . as one of the individual niticed abt making adult male diff organs utilizing root cellsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . is the best thing but its fetching measureagainst the natre which it wouldnt xcept n the consequence is here earthquakes tsunamisâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ taking many live that excessively in 100ââ¬â¢s A ; 1000ââ¬â¢sâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ . . Science is boon every bit good as curse. without Science we canââ¬â¢t imagine presents. The highest innovation of human boulder clay now is developing human parts utilizing root cells. If this Research has been succeded means we can make allkind of human parts. And batch of utile things were invented. At earlier phases people thought thy canââ¬â¢t fly. Wright brothers invented flight. Many things which did National Trusts conceive of all achieved through Science. In everything in the life whatever we see that hav twosides. Like that scientific discipline hav some destructing power. vehiles which bring forthing batch of green-effect gases. This ll certainly traveling to destruct our future coevals. Vs need to avoid this sort of things. Science is neither a blessing nor curse. It all depends on how a individual uses the engineering. In the present age it is necessary to turn out ourselves in every facet. For this thing scientific discipline is the major facet of all in turn outing a states development. A state can non develop drastically until and unless if they make usage of scientific discipline. For illustration consider building of a edifice. it takes twosome of old ages or so to build a multistored edifice without the aid of engineering. But one time if we make usage of tools and machines developed by scientific discipline it is no admiration that the edifice can be constructed with in 6 months. But at the same clip due to machines and all adult male is going lazy twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. He could non make his work even by his ain. For every thing he is depending on the machines from rinsing their apparels to cleaning their houses. Once imagine your twenty-four hours without out scientific discipline it will be atrocious. One must non depend on machines for everything. So eventually I would wish to reason that scientific discipline itself is a Godhead ( automaton ) and a destroyer ( dynamite ) . Every thing depends on the individual how he makes the usage of it.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Nucleus - Definition, Structure, and Function
The Nucleus - Definition, Structure, and Function The cell nucleusââ¬â¹ is a membrane bound structure that contains the cells hereditary information and controls the cells growth and reproduction. It is the command center of a eukaryotic cell and is commonly the most prominent organelle in a cell. The Cell Nucleus You can think of the cell nucleus as a kind of command center containing all the chromosomal and genetic information needed for the reproduction of life. Distinguishing Characteristics The cell nucleus is bound by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope. This membrane separates the contents of the nucleus from the cytoplasm. Like the cell membrane, the nuclear envelope consists of phospholipids that form a lipid bilayer. The envelope helps to maintain the shape of the nucleus and assists in regulating the flow of molecules into and out of the nucleus through nuclear pores.à The nuclear envelope is connected with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in such a way that the internal compartment of the nuclear envelope is continuous with the lumen of the ER. The nucleus is the organelle which houses chromosomes. Chromosomes consist of DNA, which contains heredity information and instructions for cell growth, development, and reproduction. When a cell is resting i.e. not dividing, the chromosomes are organized into long entangled structures called chromatin and not into individual chromosomes as we typically think of them. Nucleoplasm Nucleoplasm is the gelatinous substance within the nuclear envelope. Also called karyoplasm, this semi-aqueous materialà is similar to cytoplasm and is composed mainly of water with dissolved salts, enzymes, and organic molecules suspended within. The nucleolus and chromosomes are surrounded by nucleoplasm, which functions to cushion and protect the contents of the nucleus. Nucleoplasm also supports the nucleus by helping to maintain its shape. Additionally, nucleoplasm provides a medium by which materials, such as enzymes and nucleotidesà (DNA and RNA subunits), can be transported throughout the nucleus. Substances are exchanged between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm through nuclear pores. The Nucleolus Contained within the nucleus is a dense,à membrane-less structure composed of RNA and proteins called the nucleolus. The nucleolus contains nucleolar organizers, which are parts of chromosomes with the genes for ribosome synthesis on them. The nucleolus helps to synthesize ribosomes by transcribing and assembling ribosomal RNAà subunits. These subunits join together to form a ribosome during protein synthesis. Protein Synthesis The nucleus regulates the synthesis of proteins in the cytoplasm through the use of messenger RNA (mRNA). Messenger RNA is a transcribed DNA segment that serves as a template for protein production. It is produced in the nucleus and travels to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores of the nuclear envelope. Once in the cytoplasm, ribosomes and another RNA molecule called transfer RNA work together to translate mRNA to produce proteins. Eukaryotic Cell Structures The cell nucleus is only one type of cell organelle. The following cell structures can also be found in a typical animal eukaryotic cell: Centrioles - help to organize the assembly of microtubules.Chromosomes - house cellular DNA.Cilia and Flagella - aid in cellular locomotion.Cell Membrane - protects the integrity of the interior of the cell.Endoplasmic Reticulum - synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids.Golgi Complex - manufactures, stores and ships certain cellular products.Lysosomes - digest cellular macromolecules.Mitochondria - provide energy for the cell.Ribosomes - responsible for protein production.Peroxisomes - detoxify alcohol, form bile acid, and use oxygen to break down fats.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Regulations (Human Resource) Employee Labor and Relations Class Research Paper
Regulations (Human Resource) Employee Labor and Relations Class - Research Paper Example education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, n.d.). The EEOC is created under Title VII of Civil Rights Act which enforces a range of federal statutes prohibiting employment discrimination. Thus any employer, employment agency or organization shall comply with all the rules and regulations in the act. EEOC stated that any individual who believes that his or her employment rights have been violated may file a charge of discrimination with EEOC and an individual, organization, or agency may file a charge on behalf of another person in order to protect the aggrieved person's identity (Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination Questions and Answers, 2009). Under the EEOC-enforced laws, compensatory and punitive damages may be available if intentional discrimination is found (Federal Laws Prohibiti ng Job Discrimination Questions and Answers, 2009). Sexual Harassment Law The case of Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Company became the landmark case which led to the passing of the Sexual Harassment Law. In this case, Jenson filed a case to her employer because of the harassment they received while working in the mining company. They were harassed and abused and there were incidents of unwelcome touching, including kissing, pinching, and grabbing and offensive language directed at individuals as well as frequent ââ¬Å"genericâ⬠comments that women did not belong in the mines, kept jobs from men, and belonged home with their children (Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Company, 1997). Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Facts About Sexual Harassment, 2002). This discrimination includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual haras sment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment (Facts About Sexual Harassment, 2002). For any federal complaint, a person can file an action for sexual harassment with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The best way to get rid of any sexual harassment in the workplace is prevention, thus the EEOC encourages the employers are encouraged to take steps necessary to prevent sexual harassment from occurring by clearly informing their employees that sexual harassment will not be tolerated (Facts About Sexual Harassment, 2002). The employers should take an immediate and appropriate action when an employee complains through an established and effective complaint and grievance process (Facts about Sexual Harassment, 2002). American with Disabilities Act This act can be traced back t o the return of veterans of the World War I and an increase in industrial accidents
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